Friday, March 07, 2008


Well, it's finally Friday!So much to do today. Aside from my daily routine, I need to run to the store and get a few things. I really wonder why I can't seem to get everything I need in one trip. I would save a lot of money if I could just remember everything! I even go with a list and something always gets left off the list.

I'm also going to lunch today with my friend Mavis. We're going to Martha's Place. Supposedly it's fabulous. The owner, Martha Hawkins, spoke at my boys' school recently. She is living proof that people can turn their lives around with hard work and determination.

Today is also the last day of school before Spring Break! That means we have just nine weeks left of school. The year has just flown by.

Alex's birthday is next week and he requested a treat for his class. I ran out of time last night and didn't get to the store before dark. I'm not a fan of running to our grocery store at night by myself. He said it would be even better if I made his class cupcakes. I'm glad he goes to a school where homemade treats are still ok! Even better than cupcakes, he said, were my applesauce muffins. He is so sweet, but I'm afraid his classmates may not take as kindly to my healthy applesauce muffins...especially if Alex rats me out that I use the recipe from Deceptively Delicious. I made the applesauce muffins anyway. What kid doesn't need an extra serving of veggies?

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