Monday, March 10, 2008

Bored games or Board games?

We are a game family. Love to play them, even the little ones. I'm excited the kids are finally getting older so we can play more complex games together.

Tonight being Family Home Evening, we had the missionaries over and played a game after they left.

It was a very exciting game of Chutes and Ladders. I rescued the kitten from the tree and on the next spin, got a three, so down the slide I went. The girls and I had a very fun time.

I have such great memories going over to my great-grandma's house and playing Hi Ho Cherry-o. I'm not sure what it was about this game that captivated me. I still love the idea of playing it with my kids, but the mom in me wins out and I can't bring myself to buy it because of all the little pieces. Same thing goes for hungry hungry hippos. I just know those marbles are going to be all over the house. We did really well with perfection until we had friends over and their kids got out the game and we never did find all the pieces.

The older kids have discovered one of our favorite games... Crack the Case. In this game, you're given a short scenario and are able to ask yes and no questions to figure out who-dunnit. One of my favorites is a missing person's case involving a woman who has gone missing. The only clues are a pile of clothes and a puddle of water.

We've also had a blast playing Dominoes, our favorite is the chicken foot version.

Hands down, however, our favorite game to play is The Great Dalmuti. Back when we were newlyweds, we found a small group of friends who also enjoyed games. Every Friday and Saturday night, we'd go to one of our homes and play cards, usually Tripoli or Sets and Runs. We played another game and for the life of me I can't remember what it was called, other than Oh Sh**. And a quick google search of Oh Sh** + card games reveals that's what the game is called hahaha.

Anyway, where was I...Oh yeah, I got distracted by looking up all those links. We'd always find something to argue about during the games and someone gave us The Great Dalmuti in the hopes that it was finally a game we couldn't argue about. Well, it didn't work. We still found ways to disagree. But it is an awfully fun game anyway. Highly recommend the game if you can find it.

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