Thursday, September 01, 2005


as much as i love Pooh, this Heffalump movie is driving me BONKERS. My four year old has decided it is the most wonderful movie in the world and whenever he gets movie time, this is what he wants to watch. ARG And it doesn't help that there's this ONE song that is so catchy and I just love to listen to it, but then it gets stuck in my head.

I will admit, though, that Heffalump movie is vastly preferrable to Thomas the Tank Engine. Alex only recently has softened his obsession with the number one engine. It has been probably a year since I had to suffer through one of the obnoxious videos or even buy a train. A year of complete bliss!

i really do not understand why they must make children's movies that drive the parents insane. it truly seems as if how much the children love the movies is directly proportional to how crazy it makes the parents.

Props have to be given to the creators of Veggie Tales. I can actually WATCH veggies tales and sing the songs without feeling like I need to gouge my eyes out with a screwdriver.

The producers of Backyardigans need to be taken into the street and shot. While the children do love this program, the music gets stuck in my head and I am absolutely unable to sleep. The music is far too catchy and I find myself singing along...and then I can't STOP singing!

Hubby said one of his most embarassing moments in front of his students was when he was caught singing one of the songs from mothergoose rocks. There is nothing like singing "little miss muffet" to the tune of a popular rock song.


Jess said...

We dug out an old Blue's Clue's video today that we hadn't watched in about a year. My kids had forgotten the songs, but I hadn't. How sad is that?? My girls are obsessed currently with Strawberry Shortcake. I'd almost be glad if they'd watch Thomas the Tank Engine instead since those videos have more of a point to them.

Steph said...

I am SO glad my kids never got into Thomas...I love Veggietales too!

Stephanie said...

When I was a nanny, the little boy was sooo into Thomas that I learned all their names and all their idiosyncracies. I never want to see one of those trains again!!

SuburbanMom said...

oh that's so funny. I actually like Thomas :)

Michelle said...


"friendship grows like a flower" makes me want to dip my ears in acid