Monday, September 26, 2005

Work it, baby!

So my new year's resolution was to get in shape. I actually got a membership to the YMCA, figuring if I actually had to spend money on it, I'd use it. Surprise, surprise, but I AM using it!

It doesn't hurt that I can drop the kids off for two hours of absolute ME time. Selfish, I know ;)

I've been taking classes for about 4 months now.

Today, was my first day of pilates. I'm wholly unimpressed. I am not sure if it was just the teacher, but it wasn't enough of a workout for me. I want to be sweating and feeling my muscles ache. I want to feel like I'm actually doing something other than fancy stretching. Sure, it was difficult not to move my torso or hips or backs during certain poses, but it wasn't something that I could see getting any short term immediate gratification type results. At least with spinning, my tush hurts so bad that I know I got a good workout.

Also this morning I did water aerobics. Instead of being the warm up type workout for me, it ended up being a great workout! New teacher this time and she had us wear weights on our ankles. I can't believe what a difference it made! I'm absolutely sold on it!

So maybe I'll go back to doing spinning and water aerobics a couple days a week and change it out with some other good cardio stuff. The weights still scare me.

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