Friday, September 02, 2005

not so quiet riot

We spent a couple hours in our ER this afternoon. hubby was trying to help break up a 20+ student "riot" at the middle school where he teaches. A "he said/she said" gone bad. DH injured his elbow.

After nearly three weeks of school, DH is seriously reconsidering teaching the middle school/junior high age group. These kids are loud, obnoxious and many do not respect authority. Plus, at five foot ten, DH isnt' exactly towering over these kids. Many of them are already bigger than he is! This has been a concern of mine all along, so I'm pleased he's considering moving to the lower grades for next year. Heck, I'm really hoping he applies at our neighborhood school so he can walk to work!


Owl at Home said...

I'm a sub and I refuse to do middle school! I don't blame your DH at all!

Cherry Moon said...

I have two Jr. High aged kids, and two elementary aged kids..... they all attend a K-8 school, and I thank GOD that they're not at a regular Jr. High.. I've heard nothing but horror stories from friends and family members who have kids in Jr. High.