Sunday, August 28, 2005

watching the storm

Like so many others across the country, we are glued to coverage of Katrina. Winds are 160 mph with gusts up to 200 mph. Having been through hurricane Ivan, albeit 180 miles inland, I just can't wrap my brain around winds that strong. It is simply unimaginable.

I am also so worried about the people seeking shelter in the SuperDome. If, worst case scenario, the city is under 20 feet of water and it will take a month or more to drain it, what will these people do? How will they eat? The sanitation system in the city will be shot so naturally the superdome will not be able to sustain 70,000 people with no working sewers. The disease potential is just awful.

It makes our concerns about whether or not we'll have school tomorrow seem so...miniscule. Hubby teaches at a school just at the border of where the national weather service has issued a hurricane warning. We're "safely" inside an area of tropical storm warning.

So many people will be effected by this storm.

Gas prices will top $70/barrel; produces prices will increase; clothing costs will increase. The cost will be felt by everyone. Even with the damage Ivan did last year, we were paying $5/lb for tomatoes! they are anticipating the cotton crop in Mississippi will be wiped out.

Prayers aren't just needed for those in the area, but for everyone to be able to afford the economic fallout from this storm.


~**Dawn**~ said...

hope you guys came out the other side of that monster ok Micki!

~**Dawn**~ said...

(ok just reread what i wrote & that sounds grosser than i meant it BEFORE you hit publich Dawn. the key word is *before*...)

~**Dawn**~ said...

i really need to proofread before i PUBLISH =P. ok i'll stop spamming all over your blog now lol.