Friday, August 26, 2005

Ok, I hear ya loud and clear

This is a vent. Feel free to skip this if you don't like this sort of post.

The problem started about two or three weeks ago...or maybe it was in June, hard to tell. My computer died in June. During this time, I went "inactive" on a messageboard and all the inactive accounts were deleted. I can understand that. Well, I was reinstated...for about a week or so. Then, my account was deleted/disabled again, even though I was posting regularly. I emailed several people, including moderators and sent several emails and private messages to the one person who could reinstate me. I posted for help. Those posts went ignored.

OK y'all I get the hint now. I've somehow offended someone somewhere and I'm no longer welcome.

Oh and I'm posting on my blog because only about 10 people read it instead of the multitude of people I could gripe to elsewhere. I need to gripe because, well, my feelings *are* hurt. I've never intentionally hurt someone or posted offense (except maybe to well known trolls). So, I guess this is sort of taking the high road. I need to vent. I posted to my blog...not the other place. I'm also upset because how hard would it have been to email me and set this straight? If memberships were going to be limited or something, again an email would have cleared up all the confusion. Would my feelings be any less hurt? Probably! Now I feel absolutely snubbed...this is so freaking junior high...why oh why am I still playing these games?

anyway, I think I'm done venting now.

1 comment:

Tina said...

I know where you're talking about, but I don't know why your access was blocked. I'd been wondering why you weren't posting there! There was a bunch of crap that happened between the 2 sites with a troll/mole while I was on vacation and a bunch of accounts were inactivated. The owner just started a new job, so hasn't been able to answer all her PMs. Maybe she just needs to get to yours? I hope it's just a mix up. Sorry your feelings are hurt. That sucks. :(