Wednesday, October 19, 2005

good news!

the derm wanted to see me asap. i went in this morning. he said there's a 95% chance its benign! woohoo but we'll get the biospy results next week.

he removed it and the needle for the local hurt worse than the procedure. I didn't realize I'd have to be grounded for them to do it ...that was a bit "shocking" hahaha

anyway, the site is starting to hurt a bit now, so i'll probably take a tylenol for the pain.

oh i also had him look at a couple other spots and he said while it's very unusual to have what i have in the particular shape it is, that it's nothing to worry about. I can't remember what it's called, but basically my stretch mark tore and teh capillaries or whatever healed super close to the skin and you can see it. i wish i could describe it better. it's weird.

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