Thursday, May 17, 2007

POTD...little graduate!

little graduate!
little graduate!,
originally uploaded by h2ohmama.
You can't get more sentimental than this.

I started getting weepy when i saw all the kindergarteners lined up in front of the church where graduation was held. Even though he's my third child, he's the first one to go to a school where a Kindergarten graduation was held.

My 8 yo didn't go to school today at the request of her teacher. They had a sub and my dd needs to carry an epipen and it's just easier to keep her home since they aren't doing anything in class anyway. She has been having a complete snit because her brother got to graduate from kindie and she didn't. *roll eyes*

I explained to no avail that she and biggest brother get to do everything first. This is the first time B has gotten to do ANYTHING first and we ought to celebrate it! this is B's time in the spotlight.

I am so proud of him. He has made so much progress this school year. He was my first child to enter kindie not knowing how to read. He now reads better than the other two upon leaving kindie. He started the year with a severe articulation delay. It was so difficult to understand him. Now, we can understand most of what he says! This is a huge milestone for him. He has worked so hard and it really really shows!

We have been truly blessed with a wonderful kindie teacher this year. She will forever be in our hearts! and, we've decided if we're still in this school zone when the 3 yo goes to kindie, we want her to have the same teacher!

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